Definder - what does the word mean?

What is that Person?

A subtle way talk about a girls ass without everyone around you thinking your a pervert.

Wow you guys see Rachel today?
Ya shes got a great... personality.
Damn I would love to tap that... personality.

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that Person - video


That Person - what is it?

Much like animals mark their territory by natural means, humans claim ownership of items by exposing said items to their flatulence.

Mustache: I wouldn't sit there if I were you.
Dirty: F*@& you, I'll sit wherever the hell I want!
Mustache: Well, you should know that JC totally just personalized that sofa.

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What does "that Person" mean?

A byproduct of a sexual encounter between two other people.

Every single person you know only exists because two other people boinked, including those two other people, and the two other people whose liason resulted in their existence, ad infinitum.

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That Person - what does it mean?

: Also featured in "Grey's Anatomy", a person is a trusting friend who helps you out a lot and is just always there for you.

Girl 1: I can trust you with anything, your my person.

Girl 2: Aw, thanks!

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That Person - meaning

1. That guy you see when you look in the mirror.

2. A form of kickboxing most commonly used by the Japanese sushi chefs.

1. I looked in the mirror the other day and saw that one person.

2. The art of Personing has been perfected and reperfected many times over.

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That Person - definition

Person ∞ is the person who controls everything in UrbanDictionary, the creator of UrbanDictionary, and is never shown.

Person 1: hey-
Person ∞: Never, person 2.

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That Person - slang

Used to describe people who don’t have their brain and only follow other people to make their decisions.They are clones of the anyone who you think is cool.They’re SUPER plastic and fake and have lost their originality.These poor people are being programmed by the popular kids to be the same.

People with no personality are just mindless clones.

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That Person

If you don’t know what a person is you should get out more.

That’s a person

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That Person

An old-but-still-humorous term in a classic "gender-neutral" joke.

In the modern world of female 18-wheeler drivers and "flagger ahead" construction-signs, we can't use "the 'M' word" with regards to our daily paper-media delivery... rather than saying, "We should go look in the mailbox to see if the mailman left us any mail", we need to say instead, "We should to go look in the person-box to see if the person-person left us any person".

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That Person

Your best friend

She's my personal person

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