Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ten high?

When you give a two handed high five to someone, grab their hands, and knee them in the balls

Roger was being rude so I gave him a high ten

👍37 👎15

ten high - video


Ten high - what is it?

a double handed high five, reserved for especially awesome scenarios.

High five: Dude, you screwed the head cheerleader!
High ten: Dude, you screwed the entire cheerleading team!

👍11853 👎2483

What does "ten high" mean?

a high-quality teething whiskey

Randy: "Brandeen, Crystal keeps cryin bout them teefs"
Brandeen: "I gots some ten high, we're all set!"

👍39 👎25

Ten high - what does it mean?

Amazing drink that you can get a handle for low prices. particularly common drink among poor college students in need of some drank.

I'll drink Ten High 'till I die !

👍39 👎13