Definder - what does the word mean?

What is tbqh?

Quick abbreviation of "To Be Quite Honest"

The older definition was fine. tbqh, I wish fag was just another word. You aren't helping anyone by giving it power over you.

👍67 👎143

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Tbqh - what is it?

TBQH (or tbqh) is an abbreviation standing for, "To be quite honest".

Don't you hate it when people get butthurt? Tbqh the lady at top with the passive aggressive definition is obviously an SJW faggot that no one likes. For real get a man.

👍199 👎385

What does "tbqh" mean?

Abbreviation: "To Be Quite Honest"

I like Joe, but tbqh he acts like a fag

👍1155 👎1341

Tbqh - what does it mean?

to be quite honest

I would like the previous definition but tbqh it annoys the shit out of me it uses the word "fag".

👍1697 👎453