Definder - what does the word mean?

What is takoyaki?

Japanese octopus balls in Osaka

Well i tried some Takoyaki and it tasted good

👍25 👎11

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takoyaki meme gif

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Takoyaki - what is it?

The best food ever

Why do most sushi restraints have no takoyaki? Takoyaki is the best!

👍35 👎13

What does "takoyaki" mean?

A Japanese dish; balls made of batter, (Sort of like a dumpling,) traditionally with octopus in the middle. Usually served with okonomiyaki sauce and bonito flakes.

"Takoyaki is really delicious, you should try it."

👍25 👎11

Takoyaki - what does it mean?

Grilled dumpling with a bite of octpus
(A Japanese food, famous in Osaka(( the 2nd largest city in jpn))

ur gonna visit Japan? u should go to Osaka to eat Takoyaki, its so yummy!

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