Definder - what does the word mean?

What is taine?

Sexy BITCH- u suck ass but in a hot way ;)

Damn its taine
wow hese suck a bitch
but like.. damnnnn

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taine - meme gif

taine meme gif

taine - video


Taine - what is it?

A type of excitement that is expressed usually with gestures

I got into the house and was welcomed with a tain smile

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What does "taine" mean?

A fucking bitch

Never be friends with a Taine

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Taine - what does it mean?

Tain - Huge Fucking Dick... Girls orgasm at the sound of his name.

Tain... Is a name of a fucking sexy beast who can play stuff on Guitar and has a huge huge cock

Tain = masive cock... orgasming girls jus from the sound of his name

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Taine - meaning

The most beautiful and sweetest girl in school. However, she's very emotionally guarded and tries her hardest to hide her emotions.

That girl is such a Taine!

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Taine - definition

to jack or lift something which does not belong to you. Derived from the word "obtain"

Just got back from Wally World; 'tained me five sets of ping-pong balls and a pack of gum.

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Taine - slang

(noun) A fuckin bitch
(verb) An explicit decision that kills off vibes to the point of getting pissed off


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Anglicized word derived from Tane, A name from the language of Indigenous people of New Zealand, Maori. Means "Man" in Maori. In Maori and other Polynesian mythology Tane (Tanemahuta) was the god of forests and light. He was the son of the sky god Rangi and the earth goddess Papa, who were locked in an embrace and finally separated by their son. He created the tui bird and, by some accounts, man.

Hello, I'm Taine.
Kia Ora, Ko Tane Ahau.

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A hottie with a body. Usually skinny but has a six pack and is stronger than he looks. Good with the ladies but struggles to take it anywhere sexually. Feels lonely sometimes but has great friends. Quality memer.

Girl 1: wow Taine is looking cute today.
Girl 2: yeah I heard he has a nice dick, not too big but not small.
Taine: Iā€™d love for u to suck it please.

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Taine is one of a kind... unique and extremely talented. His penis is so big it is scary. Watch out.

He is a rugby superstar that no one can match.
Every boy wants to be like him... every girl wants to date him.

I wish I were like Taine

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