Definder - what does the word mean?

What is taco muncher?

Eating dirty pussy

Man, that girl was dirty and I ate her. She made me a taco muncher!

👍25 👎15

taco muncher - video


Taco muncher - what is it?

Dustin Wenninger the mexican

That Dustin Wenninger kid out ran the cops when stealing my car that taco muncher. He even on cross country and eating my tacos

👍63 👎95

What does "taco muncher" mean?

someone who munches on vagina of a dirty sort

dude, i'm such a taco muncher, my breath stinks from last night. wana sniff?


dude, ur such a taco muncher, your breath stinks from last night,

👍61 👎101

Taco muncher - what does it mean?

it's just another way of saying "they're a Lesbian" without actually saying it.

guy: "hey, know that chick judy?"
girl: "yea, what about her?"
guy: "word on the street is that she prefers tacos over hotdogs"
girl: "whut? "
guy: "in other words she's a taco muncher"
girl: "ahh, so is she single?"
guy: "seems so"

👍111 👎61