Definder - what does the word mean?

What is supreme BE?

1.) The act of bieng a so called Dick or and Asshole to someone simply because of having a boss status.

2.) Similar to bieng a Kanye West, just more vicious, independent and more cocky.

3.) Just bieng a Dick on purpose

"As I walked into the studio, some random dude asked me if I can spit to one his beats, as usual, I Supremed His Ass"

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supreme BE - video


Supreme BE - what is it?

I company ruined by elementary schoolers and middle schoolers then getting popular with social media influencers having terrible quality and being sold from 100-1000 or even more dollars

Oh My GoSh Is ThAt SuPrEmE iT hAs To Be FaKe

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What does "supreme BE" mean?

Highest in rank or authority;paramount;sovereign;cheif

Highest in quality, degree, character, importance

Greatest, utmost, extreme

last or final;ultimate

"The Supreme G"- God

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Supreme BE - what does it mean?

A lot of the definitions here are wrong so I will try to correct that.

Supreme is a brand that used to be only a skateboard brand, but is now sold their logo on almost every product.

People say Supreme is really expensive. In reality, actual Supreme sold by Supreme themselves isn’t that expensive. It’s actually around 100-500 dollars on the usual. The thing is, this brand is super famous but also extremely hard to get due to limited editions and the fact it’s in only a select few locations. Since it’s extremely hard to find, and most people are too lazy to get it themselves, people resale them on Ebay or Amazon or Craigslist for expensive-as-fuck prices, and idiots buy the resales so they can show off to their friends. Most people buy the expensive resales.

Half the time the resales are fake Supreme products.

And this is why Supreme is considered so expensive.

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Supreme BE - meaning

A brand that made from Pewdiepie

Ill be making a Suprem Hat for 4$

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Supreme BE - definition

a chill skate brand that was ruined by...

2. culture vultures
3.people who think ANYONE who wears supreme is the first one

Steve: oH mY gOd LoOK aT tHAt GuY weARiNg a SuPREMe sHIrt hE is SUCh A hYPEbeAST

Me: bro that's Tyshawn Jones

Steve: wEEl i DoNt KnOW wHo "tYSHAwn JONes" iS bUt He SpeNt HiS paRENt's mONey oN tHAT ShIRT wICH ProBABLy CosT 8 sEPtIlLiOn dOLlArs JusT To HidE hIs SmALL dICk aND hIs inSECURtieS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Supreme BE - slang

Overpriced logo slapped clothing

I’m cool I have supreme

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Supreme BE

A clothing brand that indicates that someone is poor.

Bought a supreme shirt, got homeless.

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Supreme BE

What started out as respectable clothing line now turned into a shitty cash grab that has it's dick sucked by prepubescent and pubescent teenagers alike.

Guy 1: Dude that kid has got Supreme! He must be rich!

Guy 2: No that means his dad spends stupid shit on his son.

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Supreme BE

1. a clothing brand that has figured out a way to make a $3 t-shirt into a $100 t-shirt. Congratulations.
2. hooray for the hype

Person A: Yo! check out that guy over there with the Supreme shirt
Person B: lucky =

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