Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sunna?

The name Sunna - means 'goddess'. Do you need anything else? You do, don't you...

Sunna is not beautiful unfortunately. But she has dark hair like Snape, serious daddy issues like Draco, brutal know-it-all like Hermione, and the body of Ron.

Daddy issues - more like Sunna's issues.
Just watch that beer-belly flop - that's a total Sunna.

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sunna - meme gif

sunna meme gif

sunna - video


Sunna - what is it?

sunna is as bright as the sun, she is such a sweet girl with tall sexy legs and a thick sexy ass she has a cat fetish and loves kids but in a weird way. if you have a sunna in your life never get rid of her because she is the best thing youll ever have

hey sunna you got a fat booty
hey sunna you are wifey meterial

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What does "sunna" mean?

Sunna is a girl that smiles all the time. She can literally not stop smiling, but not in a cute way, in a creepy way. She talks in a very high pitch. Her hair is very dark, like Snape from Harry Potter.

Hi! I just saw Sunna the other day, she was smiling so much that I thought her cheeks would tear up.

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Sunna - what does it mean?

a most gorgeous pakistani girl that no beauty holds a candle to

That girl is gorgeous, but no where near as beautiful as Sunna.

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