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What is suicide solution?

An alcoholic beverage made by combining every other alcoholic beverage available. A little of this a little of that. This includes mixing beer, wine and liquor in the same container. May contain non-alcoholic ingredients as well, such as soda mixers or juice. Often made by combining the last quarter shot or so of any near empty bottles.

So named because the beverage, when consumed, or sometimes just stared at or breathing in the fumes, will:

Give you a hangover that feels like a failed suicide attempt.
Get you so drunk you'll think you died.
Possibly kill you.
Give you a taste of death, thus convincing you not to commit suicide.

Drink with caution.

Ok, we've got a little bit of vodka, some rum, some jeager and some red wine left, who's up for a suicide solution?

👍31 👎15

suicide solution - video
