Definder - what does the word mean?

What is stank ho's?

A nasty girl who gives it up to everyone.

Steve is always dating that stank ass ho because she gives it up so easily.

👍161 👎31

stank ho's - video


Stank ho's - what is it?

Just what it says. A dirty, smelly, whore.

Your mother is a dirty stank ho!

👍95 👎39

What does "stank ho's" mean?

Your mother. The bitch is a Stank Ho. Bitch so stank she made some nearby flies who were busy eating shit gag and puke.

There was this horrible smell, I couldn't isolate the source, then I saw your Stank Ho mama.

👍31 👎13

Stank ho's - what does it mean?

The referral to a female who smells awfully.

Man!I'm tired of smellin'that stank ho!!

👍111 👎71

Stank ho's - meaning

A woman of ill repute, who has slept with so many others, her genitalia has acquired a foul smell.

"The witness can't be trusted because she is a stank ho. She stank like a million other dudes, Your Honor."

👍49 👎19