Definder - what does the word mean?

What is squinters?

People that live west of Sydney who drive to work every morning with the sun in their eyes and drive home with the sun in their eyes

Johhno lives in Penrith and is a tradie. He is a f#*kin squinter

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squinters - video


Squinters - what is it?

resident of Sydney, Australia who resides in the greater western metropolitan sub-region of Sydney, but must travel east for work daily, therefore staring into the sunrise on their commute to work in the morning and staring again into the sunset on their commute home in the afternoon.

Tom: Mate, houses are cheap out Blacktown way! Why don't you move there?
Kasabian: Mate, I work in Bondi.

Tom: So?
Kasabian: So I'd be a bloody squinter!

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What does "squinters" mean?

Squinters are anything that tastes so sour that it makes a person squint.

Typically, certain varieties of apples and first crop grapes, and other fruits, are so sour they will make a person squint.

Mary tried one of those grapes but decided not to buy any because they are squinters.

Ben made an apple pie using some squinters.

Those plums are so sour they are squinters.

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Squinters - what does it mean?

Derogatory term; Smoneone in the workplace who isn't capable of performing even the simplest tasks, without constant handholding and direction.

1. I have a shitload of work to do, because those damn squinter's can't do anything right.
2. If that damn squinter doesn't stop playing with his remote control cars, and start doing some work.....

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Squinters - meaning

A chinese person; a JAP.

i kicked the squinter in the nuts

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Squinters - definition

resident of Sydney, Australia who resides in the greater western metropolitan sub-region of Sydney, but must travel east for work daily, therefore staring into the sunrise on their commute to work in the morning and staring again into the sunset in the afternoon.

Tom: Mate, houses are cheap out Blacktown way! Why don't you move there?
Kasabian: Mate, I work in Bondi.

Tom: So?
Kasabian: So I'd be a bloody squinter!

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Squinters - slang

A person in Sydney who works in the city or inner west, but live in the outer western suburbs.
They have a long commute in the shitty Parramatta Rd/M4 peak hour traffic, and have to squint in the rising sun in the morning and/or setting sun in the evening.

Dave: Whilst sipping a beer...."The squinters never come to the pub after work!"
Scott: "That’s because it takes the dickheads nearly 2 hours to drive home!"

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A person that looks good from a distance, but with a closer look (or via SQUINTING), is revealed to be much less attractive. Often confused with beergoggles, but is not a function of alcohol, only of unsatisfactory distance. First coined by John M. in 1998

I was at a club last night and saw this hottie across the dance floor. But when I was about 10 ft away from her, I saw she was a squinter so I bailed.

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