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What is splooz?

n. A combination of jizz and spooge, the spooge being the more dominant of the 2 in the mixture. Spooge is usually a bit thicker and creamier than jizz, while jizz is more runny like coffee creamer. Splooz is thick but fast flying jizz.
v. When you wank off and splooz comes out.
adj.(sploozy)Easy going, smooth-man.

"Yo dawg, I was at this gurl's house last night and I was givin' it to her in the stink pipe, and then I whipped it out and sploozed all over that tight ass."
"O RLY?"
"Ya RLY, it was sploozy"

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Splooz - what is it?

splooze is the orgasm a guy has when he's jacking off and has a cumgasm where his jizz just oozes out of his dick.

I was taking care of my morning wood, and when I had a cumgasm, my cum didn't spurt - it sploozed out!

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What does "splooz" mean?

(adjective) blowing off a steamy load of semen.

"Yo, last night I sploozed in my girls face!"

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Splooz - what does it mean?

1. (verb)to consume alcohol, particularly to get drunk. also (adj.)sploozed(drunk). (noun) sploozer( someone sick from drinking)

Tonight we're goin' out to splooze.
Last night I was sooo sploozed.
Billy threw up last night he's such a sploozer.

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