Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sohai?

1/5 nerdy, 2/5 helpless, 1/5 lost and 1/5 bueylim

Used to describe derricks - Derrick is a sohai

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Sohai - what is it?

A word which say ur stupid cus ur not sexy

U are a Sohai

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What does "sohai" mean?


Jeesiclown is a sohai

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Sohai - what does it mean?

Cantonese term: An idiot of all idiot

"My neighbour Caven is a sohai".
"Wai Keong shouted in the bus. What a sohai".

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Sohai - meaning

A chinese term.
If word is separated,it would mean: so(crazy) hai(cunt,pussy,vagina)
Crazy/Fucking Crazy/Crazy shit
It means a fucking crazy person,fucking stupid person,fucking jackass person,fucking asshole person,etc.
It can be used to scold somebody,a nerd,or an enemy,even friends.

-Sohai, you fucking crazy man.
-That Sohai is gonna get whacked in the face.
-You're a stupid sohai.
-You're damn Sohai.
-Look at that Sohai,duno(don't know) how to use a spoon.
-You're a Sohai you know that,trying to attempt a jump down from that 5-storey building.

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Sohai - definition

By definition, it means "crazy" and "pussy/cunt".
In Cantonese, it can mean:
i. stupid
ii. asshole
iii. close friend

i. Hey, don't be a sohai, ok? You're not the only one in this world who knows how to have an erection!

ii. You're such a fucking sohai lah! Don't you know how to eat a pussy?

iii. Hey sohai! Long time no see!

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