Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sodapop curtis?

Sodapop is the middle child of the Curtis'. Is in the book" The Outsiders" by S.E. Hinton. He's sweet, loving, and carefree. He's so cute too. Very cute. I mean, have you SEEN the man. He's amazing. He's is so fine. We all love Sodapop

"Patrick Sodapop Curtis is the best greaser. You can't change my mind. He's so cute."

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sodapop curtis - video


Sodapop curtis - what is it?


Sodapop Curtis is a character from the book and movie The Outsiders.
Brother of Darry and Ponyboy Curtis

100% pure beauty

my future husband

hottest being on planet earth; to hot for his own good

Being in Soda’s presence would melt you because he is hotter than the sun.

The most attractive and hottest greaser in all of history; truly pure; beautimous; explodes the world with is mere breathtaking smile

Random person: Hey, have you heard of sodapop curtis?


Random person: oh no what have i done??

Soda fan: *dramatically drops to the ground and faints*

Random person: WHAT DO I DO?? I THINK I KILLED HER!!!

Soda fan’s best friend: it’s okay, just wave β€œthe outsiders” book in her face and she’ll wake up

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What does "sodapop curtis" mean?

Sodapop Curtis is a character from the book and movie The Outsiders.

Sodapop Curtis aka the hottest person on the planet is the brother of Darry Curtis and Ponyboy Curtis.

He always wears a hat or a blue jacket.

Everybody loves this man and I do as well.

Person: Hey, do you want some soda?
Obsessed Outsider Fan: Wait, did you just say SODA?!
Person: Oh no-
Obsessed Outsider Fan: AS IN SODAPOP CURTIS?!

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Sodapop curtis - what does it mean?

A character from the Outsiders; completely beautiful. He is gorgeous. Book by S.E. Hinton

Girl 1: I love Sodapop Curtis so much!
Girl 2: You make a move toward him and I will rip you limb from limb.
Girl 1: Ummm...

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