Definder - what does the word mean?

What is smooks?

A new way of regarding the inhalation of cigarette fumes, another way of indicating worthiness to either smoke cigarettes or coolness in general.

I have come to the conclusion that my mom thinks I smooke. She was missing her cigs when she asked me if I took them but I said I didn't. She found them in her pocket later but today she randomly comes up to me and sniffs me! I said I don't smooke but she wouldn't listen! I am now grounded! Why, God, WHY?

Damn, you ain't smooke, bizznatch!

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smooks - meme gif

smooks meme gif

smooks - video


Smooks - what is it?

The act of being said hello to by a random person on twitter who does not make any effort to contribute any other form of interesting content to the conversation.

Oh man, I just got smooked!

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What does "smooks" mean?

Otherwise known as nasal felching, to smook, is to clean a partners nasal cavities with your tongue.

Jim is Smooking Brenda until she sneezes in his face.

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Smooks - what does it mean?

When a person is very high on marijuana.

bro that last blunt got me smooked

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Smooks - meaning

Someone who doesn't wash their hands after they use the bathroom.

What a smook - I can't believe he didn't wash his hands after using the bathroom!

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Smooks - definition

The act of screwing someone over in special regards to money.

Also known as jewing someone.

I just got smooked!

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Smooks - slang

a thick haze

amidst the morning smooke, I forgot to wear my pants

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1. A name for a loved one. Meaning you're cute. Smooks Smookie Shmooker-poo

Kevin LaClaire is my smookie.

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a smug look = smook

dwight schrute gives the camera a smook at least once an episode on "the office".

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pimpin', or doing something to gain currency.

I just closed my business deal smook smook!
Business deals are smook smook

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