Definder - what does the word mean?

What is slocummed?

When a person borrows something then proceeds to act as if they are entitled to ownership of the item.

I let my friend borrow my van for a quick beer run. My friend slocummed me; and didn't return my van until the next day .

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Slocummed - what is it?

Key is awesome. He used to have cool shoes, is very fun to talk to, and is super sexy.Anyone is extremely lucky to be friends with him. :D

Key Slocum is flipping awesome.

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What does "slocummed" mean?

The coolest dude that walks the earth. He`s sexy, used to have cool shoes, and is very sweet. Anyone is more than lucky to be friends with him. Key Slocum is awesome.

Key Slocum has cool hair. :D

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Slocummed - what does it mean?

The Syracuse Architecture version of Stockholm Syndrome; The situation of loving that which holds you captive (aka architecture school). See also: held in Bonds (for Notre Dame).

He just spent the night in studio even though he didn't have any work to do. He definitely has Slocum Syndrome.

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Slocummed - meaning

To do without care or or half heartedly. To rush through a job.

The boy cleaned his room fairly Slocum so he could rush out to play.

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Slocummed - definition

A last name, Commonly from Wales Meaning King or Lord in Welsh..Obviously

Slocum Means King

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