Definder - what does the word mean?

What is slayyyyyyy?

Slayyyyyy is used by 15 year old girls who think they are funny, it was originated from the internet.

Person 1:omg Slayyyyyyyy queen
Person 2: shut the fuck up u annoying bitch.
person 2: crys of shame

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slayyyyyyy - video


Slayyyyyyy - what is it?

What you do on another day when you killed multiple children with terminal illnesses.

Sbe: Hey I ran into a childrens hospital and killed 88 children while listening to meg the steg on full blast.

Jroo: Another day

Sbe: Another slay

jroo: Slayyyyyyy

Sbe: Slayyyyyyy

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What does "slayyyyyyy" mean?


friend : i passed my driving test

me : slayyyyyyy

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