Definder - what does the word mean?

What is skinder?

skinder is where in the process of eating a papaya you peel the skin in such a fashion that it automatically make you cum your pants

fuck man i was eatin my papaya last night and i skinder all over the place" "man i cant help to skinder when i eat a papaya

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Skinder - what is it?

Skinder (a verb). South African slang word stolen from Afrikaans, meaning to gossip or slander.

Lungi: Did you hear about Kylie?
Jackie: No, what?
Lungi: Apparently she's anorexic. Also, she cheated on her boyfriend with his sister's girlfriend.
Jackie: WHAT?!?
Lungi: Yeah. When her boyfriend found out, he committed suicide.
Jackie: But I was talking to him just now.
Sarah: Dammit Jackie, don't listen to Lungi, you know how she loves to skinder.

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