Definder - what does the word mean?

What is skeps?

a Term mainly used to express one's disapproval/discontent to a situation, behavior, person or feeling.

Used to describe a situation that is uncomfortable.

Used to describe behavior that is socially unacceptable.

Used to describe a person or his/her action that is not on or dodgy.

Used to express a feeling of skepness

Hierdie plek is mal skep binne in, kom ons bail :S

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skeps - meme gif

skeps meme gif

skeps - video


Skeps - what is it?

Someone who dresses skater and preppy.

He's wearing an Abercrombie and Fitch shirt and Etnies. He's such a skep.

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What does "skeps" mean?

Short for 'skeptical'.

It's like sus, but vastly superior in every way

Person who is bad at fifa: 'man, I totally should have won that game but I was screwed over by RNG'

Me: 'so its definitely not cuz you suck at fifa? I'm skep'

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Skeps - what does it mean?

noun. Brittany's imaginary word. Supposedly an insult. Not actually a word.
Definition supposing it was a word would be the cross of skank and slut and Ephesian a native or inhabitant of ancient Ephesus or so I'm lead to believe...
But really, it's not a word. Never be heard using it.

"That's not a word loser"

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Skeps - meaning

Going mental, insane or being to off your face particularly when on stimulant drugs such as mephedrone

Lets gan pyr skep! *takes a foot long line* radge mental mephedrone

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Skeps - definition

A phrase used to describe someone that is being "Skeptical". Mainly used by "Colored Folks"

"Yo, Did you just see that nigga? He was skep as fuck!"

"Ya, I know right? everyone here is skep!"

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Skeps - slang

Shortened word for skeptical. The act of being skeptical, often used in derogatory terms.

Shitcunt 1: Hey, do you like my new jacket?
Shitcunt 2: Nahhh, i dunno
Shitcunt 1: Are you being skeps? What are you, a skeps cunt?

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That's unfair. That isn't right.

My teacher played me skep.

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A term used to describe a situation that is to one's disliking. Also used to describe a situation that is uncomfortable or wack.

Not used as an abbreviation of skeptical, because you do not necessarily have to be skeptical of the situation.

You're in a situation that is not to your liking and you response could very well be...."Dis' be skep"

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Skep means grimy or basically you played that person.

Man i thought you was going to take me to the store you skep.

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