Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sixty four?

The essence of the equation. The pertinent point. That which lies at the heart of the matter, adjusted for inflation.

Where the TARP money went is the sixty-four billion dollar question.

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sixty four - video


Sixty four - what is it?

A tune Sir Paul McCartney wrote when he was sixteen, and in which he appeared to see his future with eerie precognition.

In the song, he asks, "Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?" And now that he's sixty-four, we conveniently have our answer - a resounding NO! He and his wife, Heather Mills, are history, fo sho.

I stayed out till quarter of three and she locked the door. I knew that would happen when I wrote "When I'm Sixty-Four." - Sir Paul

👍71 👎27

What does "sixty four" mean?

similar to 69 except the focus is on eating the anus, it is the mutual "fore"play preferred before gay guys have sex

Since Ray is a designated top they never sixty-four, but rather 32.

👍25 👎11

Sixty four - what does it mean?

The combination of the N- word and cunt refering to the number of letters in each word. An excessively derogatory diss.

Lloyd: Sean!
Sean: What!?
Lloyd: Sucks!!
Sean: You are such a sixty four!

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