Definder - what does the word mean?

What is silents?

A sassy brave individual who has powerful potential and gives off capacitive energy towards others. Others are afraid of one’s power and worth and are intimidate. Someone who knows how to mentally and emotionally hurt someone confidentially.

”I have seen this silent killer first hand, and I am therefore honored to join the Alliance in helping to raise additional awareness β€œ

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silents - meme gif

silents meme gif

silents - video


Silents - what is it?

the act of being loud

He was silent.

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What does "silents" mean?

To put a phone on silent, mainly when there is a large amount of calls or notifications taking place from an unwanted source. An act of ignorance.

'I am silenting so I can finally have some peace in this loud world.'

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Silents - what does it mean?

Teh sexor h4x0r in EndVAC

Omfg Silent equals win.

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Silents - meaning

adjective used to describe the complete absence of any form of suffering or anxieties enduced by real life living in oneself or others.

Yo, Dude... (dramatic pause) you're acting, like, totally silent.

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Silents - definition

Noise everywhere

All I hear is silent

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Silents - slang

Comes from the legendary impossible Geometry Dash level "Silent Club". Refers to anything of extreme difficulty.

That exam was silent, I probably got an F.

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A state of soundlessness

Silent was the beat of his heart
Before the battle was to start

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It is silent but spelt wrong, and is used in a more serious way. When you need to yell at someone to be quiet you can say silentes.

Silentes! You’re being so loud!


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Impossible to complete or pull off.

"Yo bro that stage in that game is silent"

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