Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sick and wrong?

When something is messed up.

I heard what he said about you. That was just sick and wrong.

👍39 👎17

sick and wrong - video


Sick and wrong - what is it?

A term used to mean something that should not take place, often used in an over-the-top fashion.

That is just sick and wrong!

👍77 👎33

What does "sick and wrong" mean?

Weekly podcast hosted by D. Simon and Lance Wackerle discussing the most vile, disquieting, and oddly amusing news items for your listening pleasure.

"The most foul thing I have ever heard. I can't believe people listen to this shit" -- Drew Barrymore

"Sick and Wrong is my new favorite podcast." -- Bruce Campbell

"My mom told me about this podcast." -- Neil Patrick Harris.

"These guys have seen Brokeback Mountain one too many times." -- Larry Flynt

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