Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shuy?

A philosophical system of harmonising the attractiveness of people with the surrounding environment. It can be affected by the presence of either an attractive person, or attractive surroundings.

The girl who just walked in significantly improved the Peng Shui of the room we're in. That painting really adds to it too

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shuy - meme gif

shuy meme gif

shuy - video


Shuy - what is it?

Coined by Adam Carolla: The philosophy of setting up a room or area of the house for masturbation with the intent of not getting inadvertenly caught by friends or loved ones.

I practiced spunk shui when I set up my computer to face the door so my girlfriend didn't catch me jacking to internet porn

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What does "shuy" mean?

Closet fag that likes to fuck fat girls in the ass hole.

Brian is a shuy

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Shuy - what does it mean?

Shui is a female that is very caring and loving who claims they are straight even though everyone knows they are very gay, because they have a wife and so many discord children.

Person 1:Why does that person always act so gay then claim their straight?

Person 2:Oh yeah they're a Shui.

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Shuy - meaning

An irritable chinese person who thinks that they are good at Defence of the Ancients.

Shui - OMG I JUST OWN3D U HAHAHAHA!!!!11!!one
Rival - WTF are you on about? That was your first ever kill against me.
Shui - Stfu n00b! HAHA
Rival - Turn caps lock off please.
Game ends. Score is 70:1 to Shui's rival.
Shui - HA I TO2LLY OWN3D U n00B!
Rival - You've just lost.
Shui - STFU H4X0r n00b!
Rival - Banned for laming noob

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Shuy - definition

pronounced "shwe" (as in feng shui)

adjective used to describe something that is pleasing, stylish, cool, or excellent usually by virtue of the way it looks

"Those shoes are really shui. Where did you get them?"

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Shuy - slang

when something or someone is really cute and you can't resist it ..

omg .. look at that baby . it's so shui

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Shui: to feel good like everything in life is flowing in a positive direction for you .
Inspired by the word Feng Shui

Im feeling Shui today, there was no traffic on my way to work, my co worker bought me a coffee and I got paid today.

I’m feeling real Shui today .

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Shui: to feel good like everything in life is flowing in a positive direction for you .
Inspired by the word Feng Shui

Everything is Shui today, no traffic on my way to work, my coworker bought my a coffee and all my customers thanked me . It’s a Shui day

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what you say when you spell shut to fast and hit the y key instead of t

"shuy up"

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