Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shogunate?

an anti-gay slur, similar to faggot

that guy is such a shogun

πŸ‘55 πŸ‘Ž455

shogunate - meme gif

shogunate meme gif

shogunate - video


Shogunate - what is it?

It that your gun.

That shogun?

πŸ‘69 πŸ‘Ž457

What does "shogunate" mean?

A competition, such as a duel, when two men take their respective corners and withdraw their genitalia in hopes of being the bigger man

"Every night before we pass out, we play shoguns"

πŸ‘39 πŸ‘Ž57

Shogunate - what does it mean?

Explosive and dominant; puts on exciting performances

That football player is a shogun.

πŸ‘53 πŸ‘Ž67

Shogunate - meaning

a slang term in the uk interchangeable with the phrase β€˜fairs’ ,β€˜decent’ or β€˜alright’ to denote something being cool or okay.

β€˜yo wanna link later at the park’
β€˜shoguns shoguns, see u there cuz’

πŸ‘27 πŸ‘Ž13

Shogunate - definition

(SHOH-guh-nate) The government of medieval Japan in which the Shogun, a military and civil regent, served as the actual leader, while the emperor was the symbolic head of the state and religion. There were three shogunates throughout Japanese history - 1) the Kamakura Shogunate (1192–1333), 2) the Ashikaga Shogunate (1336–1573), and 3) the Tokugawa Shogunate (1603–1868).

Governor β†’ Government
Shogun β†’ Shogunate
Caliph β†’ Caliphate
Sultan β†’ Sultanate

πŸ‘1123 πŸ‘Ž355

Shogunate - slang

Shogun is a title given to the highest military general in feudal ages in Japan, it is short for "seii taishogun"

Also the fourth studio album of the Metal band band Trivium.

Bob: What's a Shogun?

Nick: An awesome album!!! lolololol

πŸ‘315 πŸ‘Ž71


Shogun was the ultimate rank one could achieve in Japan. The Shogun was the Supreme Military Dictator. Only one Daimyo (feudal lord) at a time could obtain the title. And only the His Imperial Highness, the reigning Emperor, the Divine Son of Heaven, who lived in seclusion with the Imperial Families at Kyoto, could grant the title. With the appointment of Shogun went absolute power: the Emperor's seal and mandate. The Shogun ruled in the Emperor's name. All power was derived from the Emperor because he was directly descended from the gods. Therefore any daimyo who opposed the Shogun were automatically in rebellion against the throne, and at once outcast and all his lands forfeit. The reigning Emperor was worshipped as a divinity because he was descended in an unbroken line from the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu Omikami, one of the children of the gods Izanagi and Izanami, who had formed the islands of Japan from the firmament. By divine right the ruling Emperor owned all the land and was obeyed without question. But in practice, for more than six centuries real power had rested behind the throne.

A Shogunate was the government, office, or rule of a Shogun. There was three shogunates in Japanese history.

1) Kamakura Shogunate (1192–1333)
2) Ashikaga Shogunate (1336–1573)
3) Tokugawa Shogunate (1603–1868)

πŸ‘1145 πŸ‘Ž267


CoryxKeshin. The ankle breaker, himself. The samurai brother.

Yo you know CoryxKeshin?
No, who's that?
You don't know the shogun of YouTube?

πŸ‘91 πŸ‘Ž19


In the feudeal Japan, the shogun title was know as the supreme military commander. The goverment they etablished were called Bakufu.

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