Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shlime?

β€œA femboy that refuses to accept who they are”

β€œMan, that guy in my class is totally a Femboy Shlime, he even screamed at people that called him out on his skirt”

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shlime - video


Shlime - what is it?

A Shlime Jit is your homie. Your friend who will always have your back.

Yo wassup shlime jit.

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What does "shlime" mean?

Girls, usually the ones who get judged around school and appear as very petty/dramatic, that say the word β€œshlime” in every sentence. Shlime has no real meaning but the people who say think they are cool.

That is so shlime! Shlime! Shlime! Shlime!

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Shlime - what does it mean?


Meaning β€œforever” or β€œyour forever”. Your Shlime is your soulmate. Someone you can’t live without, someone that brings you joy by just existing, someone you’ll go to the deep end of the universe and back with without question. You love you Shlime with all your heart and they are... forever.

Shlime is used as a title, for example:

Jimmy: Ay John is your friend Dee-ny coming to the park camp out party

John: Excuse me? My friend? You mean my Shlime*. Don’t even say her name, say your Shlime next time

Dee-ny: Shlime?

John: Shlime!!!!!

Dee-ny & John: πŸ•ΊπŸΎπŸ’ƒπŸ»

Word Created by Dan. E & Jam. U

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Shlime - meaning

A word used only by swag people.



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Shlime - definition

Someone you know you mess with day and and day out. You’re ride or die

that one over there, they my shlime

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Shlime - slang

word used instead of an answer in a class

teacher: james what is 7x8
me: shlime!

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to walk around with friends just fucking shit up

Anyone wanna shlime?

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your ride or die, "gang", or forever

"thank u shlime u a W fr fr "

pussy nigga: "what"

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your homie

yeah foo, das my shlime

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