Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shit spray?

Shit that comes out of your asshole with the same speed and consistency of any aerosol spray.

I've got some mean spray shits today.

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shit spray - video


Shit spray - what is it?

When you shit and it sprays all over the toilet bowl.

When you shit and your butthole is on fire.

ā€œLyss, Iā€™m bout to shit spray all over that bathroom after them hot cheetosā€

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What does "shit spray" mean?

A term motorcyclists use to refer to the mist of dirty water that gets kicked up by cars during or immediately following a rain storm.

Man it was scary, I couldn't see out of my face shield because I was covered in some seriously nasty shit spray!

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Shit spray - what does it mean?

When you pull down your trousers and boxers and do a huge bare ass fart or your mates face and spray his face jus a little with poo. Usually played as a prank wen the victim is asleep or restrained.

Its kinda like a shart but in someone's face.

The spray is usually Due to the fact that you've had the shits (diarrhoea) prior to the fart.

Guy1: 'Oh dude you just shit sprayed in jimmy's face!'

Guy2: Yer... my bad. I was pissing like a girl out my ass earlier. Probli should of thought about the consequences beforehand ey??

2 Hours later.

*Jimmy wakes*
Jimmy: 'My god, someone needs a fresh pair of boxers.'

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