Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shebeast?

A word used to describe an incredibly awesome female. Usually used in the setting where a girl has proved herself in a male-dominated activity. Shebeast is not to be confused with "hos" or "hoss", which although similiar, is not a synonym. Shebeasts are not only fierce in physically demanding activities but also in personality and appearance. One of the rarest species of women and coolest. Tons of fun and totally down with 'That's what she said' jokes.

Boy 1: Did you see her on the field?!
Boy 2: Yeah! Dude she's a total shebeast.

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shebeast - meme gif

shebeast meme gif

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Shebeast - what is it?

An incredibly ugly, vile looking female that can only be described by something you find in a nightmare, a beast. Shebeasts are ugly and usually very fat.

*Sees incredibly ugly and fat female*
Me: Whoa, you see that shebeast right there?

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