Definder - what does the word mean?

What is shebang?

The entirety of a group of things.

I saw the entire Barbie fashion collection, but only asked for the shoes and ended up with the whole shebang!

👍41 👎21

shebang - meme gif

shebang meme gif

shebang - video


Shebang - what is it?

thing, item, etc.

Usually used as "the whole shebang" meaning "the whole thing"

I got the whole shebang and then some!

👍47 👎23

What does "shebang" mean?

to squirt heroin that has been "cooked up" into your nose for whatever reason.

Dawg,that guy shebang'ed his skag cuz his rig was shot.

👍73 👎45

Shebang - what does it mean?

a complete instance of something; all of something

That girl is the whole shebang.

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Shebang - meaning

everything that has to do with the subject your talking about

For the party we got streamers, cake, popcorn, movies, the whole shebang!

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Shebang - definition

Used with "whole" to indicate the entirety of something.

Yep, I bought the whole shebang.

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Shebang - slang

1. (n) an ordeal, event, or group of objects. Commonly used in the phrase "the whole shebang."
2. (n) (Computer Programming: CGI) The first line of any CGI code that tells the program where the Perl (or other CGI language) interpreter is located within a computer system (Also known as the Shebang Line).

1. We took care of the whole shebang.
2. #!/usr/bin/perl

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The entire, the whole; the whole part of. the whole enchilada

If I win, I get the whole shebang.

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a UNIX term, for "#!". A contraction of the "hash" -- "#", and the "bang" -- "!"


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something in its entirety

I ate the whole shebang.

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