Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sharknado?

A tornado filled with sharks capable of vast amounts of hilarious destruction! Also a movie. Has many uses in common venacular:

Bob: Come at me Bro!!
Dave: Oh I'll come at you! I'll come at you like a Sharknado!!

👍39 👎17

sharknado - meme gif

sharknado meme gif

sharknado - video


Sharknado - what is it?

A terrible movie.

-Sharknado is a terrible movie!
-I agree with ya there.

👍87 👎53

What does "sharknado" mean?

Anything that is big, confusing and potentially dangerous that probably shouldn't exist but you still have to deal with anyway. See also, Sharknado, the movie

As Charlie Sheen's PR person you have to deal with one Sharknado after another.

👍57 👎25

Sharknado - what does it mean?

(shark.nay.doe) noun.

1. A tornado that dooms large metropolitan areas with dumping thousands of ravenous sharks ready to eat people's appendages off. No one is safe from the sharknado's destructive path of multiple vortexes and the only hope for survival is Ian Ziering (from the original 90210) and a washed up Tara Reid, oh and a bad ass bikini barista who also seems to be an expert marksman.

2. When many events happen all at the same time, making someone's life or a situation overwhelming. This comes from the SyFy original movie "Sharknado" where a storm of multiple tornadoes hit LA full of ravenous sharks.

Example 1: If you are trapped in a school bus flooded with water and sharks waiting to make you Purina Shark Chow, just know a sharknado is on it's way. Don't worry, Tara Reid will save the day.

Example 2: Jan: Fuck dude, I've had a totally shitty day today. First my car broke down which made me late for my meeting and which made my boss rip me a new one and I got mud on my new Prada shoes.

Jack: Sounds like you had a sharknado of a day.

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Sharknado - meaning

Taking toy sharks, shoving them in your girl's pussy and fucking her in a circular motion.

Did you hear Mo screaming from the Sharknado yesterday?

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Sharknado - definition

The scariest effen weather phenomenon going.

Forecasts are calling for a Sharknado in LA this weekend.

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Sharknado - slang

A "sharknado" derives from a combination of both the words "shark" and "tornado". It is exactly that: a shark tornado.

Did you hear? Cory just witnessed a sharknado.

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A hell-storm of swirling winds and killer sharks capable of leveling small towns and turning mediocre B-list celebrities into has-been D-listers.

"What happened to Jim?"
"Oh, he had his shit ruined by that goddamn sharknado. His bloody corpse is over there behind the flipped over taxi cab."

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the highest quality movie ever produced and should have won a golden globe.

guy-have you watched sharknado
girl-yes that must have been so expensive to make

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Something that prevents a really good event from being successful
an alternative, really crap, event that people choose in preference to what you've organised.

(derived from the strange success of the 'b' movie Sharknado).

My party was hit by a sharknado as only a few people showed up.

I don't understand why no one is here, there must be a sharknado going on.

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