Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sex dragon?

Dragon Sex is the toughest most vigorous sex that a human can have, likely ending with someone in tears.

chad 1: cant wait to have some nice dragon sex with stacy.

chad 2: idk man, didnt you cry a bunch last time?

👍25 👎11

sex dragon - video


Sex dragon - what is it?

The act of having sex with a woman who has one or more sexually transmitted diseases (STD) which result in severe burning and/or itching. These diseases can include but are not limited to;
Ghonnarea (Also Known As "The Clap")
Syphillis (Stage Two)
Herpes And/Or Genital Warts
Any STD Which Results In Painful Discharge Of Puss

Dude, I had dragon sex with that bitch last night and now I'm pissing some green thick shit.

👍165 👎119

What does "sex dragon" mean?

the act of dressing up like a dragon and having sex, most commonly involving people with dragon fetishes.

dude, i totally had dragon sex with this chick named jade last night, she had such a dragon fetish.

👍127 👎57

Sex dragon - what does it mean?

The Russian sex dragon is when you poop in someone's mouth, stitch their mouth closed, then tickle their butt cheeks until the poop comes out their nose

Person 1: Hey how's your day?
Person 2: Great, I just gave my son a Russian sex dragon!
Person 1: Poggers!

👍49 👎21

Sex dragon - meaning

A freak in the sheets that knows how to work out.

Mmmmm... that girl is a sex Dragon.

👍43 👎17