Definder - what does the word mean?

What is segull?

When a man is having sex with a woman on the beach (perferable while wearing a condom)pulls his dick out dips it into the sand and puts it back in. This makes the woman scream like a segul.

"Yo Jeff im guna go fuck this girl a little ways down the beach, listen carefully because im guna give her a screaming segul."

👍45 👎23

segull - meme gif

segull meme gif

segull - video


Segull - what is it?

The secret illegal girls at the beach that hit on you.

Do you see all those segull by the candy machine.

👍27 👎15

What does "segull" mean?

when you hide in a room when two people are having sex. Then when they are about to cum you jump out on them. And cum all over them yelling segulling....

cum on them is callled segulling

👍61 👎31