Definder - what does the word mean?

What is schleeping?

Commonly use with the prefix "Big Ol'", it is a necessary state of unconsciousness after a long night of heavy drinking.

That party was wild, I really got some big ol' schleep afterwards.

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schleeping - meme gif

schleeping meme gif

schleeping - video


Schleeping - what is it?

A verb, to be not acting upon something or not taking advantage of something. Also slang for sleep. To be the opposite of "woke".

Jack, you do those papers yet?
Nah I've been schleepin on em.

Jack you seem pretty tired, you ok?
Nah, I need some schleep.

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What does "schleeping" mean?

A word describing an emotion or a feeling. It can be used in a variety of situations, and it’s meaning is often depended on context.

You have me so schleep! (That’s super funny!)
Dude do not schleep me (bro I don’t appreciate what you’re saying, it doesn’t make me laugh)

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Schleeping - what does it mean?

a ganja cigarette that is smoked at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep. this is so that the buzz will make you fall asleep and stay a little bit stoned when you wake up, so that the morning spliff can be fully enjoyed

"Hey man wana save a Schleeps joint off this bag"
"Yeah man put me right to sleep"

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Schleeping - meaning

Bruh. Dead. I'm done.

Hernandez: I'm not Spanish at all
Kenyon: I'm schleep

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Schleeping - definition

Bruh. Give up.

Hernandez: Im not spanish
Bobby: I'm schleep

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Schleeping - slang

The action of ignoring, 'dissing', or disapproving of what one is saying to you.

Man1: "Bro, the Browns are better than the Packers!" Man2: "Nigga?! Schleep!"

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When you touch a single cell onto your sleeping area and you immediately lose consciousness.

Past-tense: Schlept
Present-tense: Schleep

When I get home I'm going to schleep, hard.

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the act of 'sleeping'

holy moly, i'm so tired. i think i will go to schleep. night night.

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done, can't deal with shit anymore

LMFAOOOO im schleep!

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