Definder - what does the word mean?

What is scatter-ass?

when a girl walks and she makes that shit CLAP, like a standing ovation.

Ricky: Damn, that girl gotta scattered ass!

Me: What the hell is a "scattered ass?"

Ricky: When a girl walks and she has so much ass it looks like tiny people are doing the wave in a packed stadium

👍33 👎51

scatter-ass - meme gif

scatter-ass meme gif

scatter-ass - video


Scatter-ass - what is it?

Many attractive ladies in any defined area.

Guy #1: Shit man, check all that scattered ass all up in that club!
Guy #2: You know we be rollin' up in there.
Guy #1: Hollllaaa!

👍85 👎23

What does "scatter-ass" mean?

explosive diarrhea that ends up more on the back of the toilet bowl and the seat than in the water.

that food in zama sure gave me scatter-ass

👍41 👎19