Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sayaka?

A blue-haired character from Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc.
She is widely accepted as a soft, innocent girl despite attempting to murder Leon Kuwata and blame Makoto Naegi by taking advantage of his feelings and sleeping in his dorm because she claimed somebody was trying to kill her.
Yes, she was breaking under the pressure and supplied with a motive, but that doesn't make her innocent. It helps but---

Person 1: Awww, Sayaka Maizono is best girl! Leon is just an asshole.
Person 2: You realise she took advantage of Makoto's feelings and tried to kill Leon Kuwata.
Person 1: Awwww, so innocent! Hehehehe.

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sayaka - meme gif

sayaka meme gif

sayaka - video


Sayaka - what is it?

a god and the best dr character to ever exist.

person 1: I love sayaka Maizono sm!!
person2: same, I dont get why shes so hated.

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What does "sayaka" mean?

blue-haired girl from DanganRonpa.
she is the Ultimate Pop Idol.
her father was always busy, so she finds comfort and love in her girl pop band.
could be Hatsune Miku in disguise.
she was killed by carrot-head Leon Kuwata, but she was trying to kill him so... k a r m a
and yet, i still love, adore, and wanna care for her.

my friend: hey, who would you save?
me: Sayaka Maizono.
my friend: you mean undercover Hatsune Miku?
me: yeah.

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Sayaka - what does it mean?

For godsake she isn't a snake. She did it because,,,,,, SHE WAS SCARED TO LOSE THE ADVANCE OF HER CAREER, istg y'all Celestia stans who call her a snake are just straight up hypocrite,,,

i believe she's the best waifu of drv1 and i believe in Sayaka supremacy

Person 1: ''Sayaka Maizono is my waifu''
Person 2: ''Oh i actually kin her! i think she's so cool''
Person 1: ''Yeah i agree''

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Sayaka - meaning

good precious girly
don’t blame her that Leon got executed because she tried to kill him

blame the stinky boy that is monokuma
for giving her a motive

Sayaka Maizono is a good girl
May or may not ship her with leon

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Sayaka - definition

A backstabber who tried to frame you for killing Leon but you pulled a reverse card

I’m Sayaka Maizono, I look forward to getting to know you

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Sayaka - slang

The sexiest girl in the world

A: Wow, she's a 10!
B: Oh, you mean she's a Sayaka?
A: Of course

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The most perfect girl in the world who can make anyone smilr just with her gorgeous smile.

Sayaka is just so perfect i love her sm

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A species of melon native to the tropical highlands of the Colorado peninsula. Legend has it that drinking its juice will add 4 strokes to your game. Its origin is not completely known but it is believed to have been a crossbreed between a Japanese cucumber and and a trans-European family of poison ivy. Dangerous if consumed, the National Forrest Registration is offering a reward to the first person who can can pulverize and remove 100 of these invasive melons.

"I was hiking in the woods and I came across a patch of Sayakas!"
"Did you eat one?"
"Yeah, but it tasted pretty bad."
"Dude, we have to get you to a hospital!"

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1. Intelligent, helpful girl, fiercely loyal, prone to helping with homework
2. To provide excessive knowledge on a variety of subjects

"So how did you know that?"
"Ah, of course."

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