Definder - what does the word mean?

What is saurabh?



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Saurabh - what is it?

Saurabh is a person with a huge, enormous cock. Saurabh has constant back pain because of it. He usually comes from Pune but his β€˜cock-gossip’ is famous all over India. His sperm is so thick that his past girlfriends called him colgate.

Girl 1 - Wow look at that dude!

Girl 2 - That’s not a dude, its a SAURABH!!!

Girl 1 - Where can I find one?? I’m so wet rn πŸ˜“

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What does "saurabh" mean?

A person who farts in the class continuesly.he is very short and have no intelligence.

He is farting like saurabh

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Saurabh - what does it mean?

He is emotional but don't get to his bad side coz he bites back. He thinks he is the king of the world which is true to some extents.

He can cheat and betray so awareness is needed. Other than that he is a sweetheart who hates sharing what's on his mind but you can always reach out to him. He is quite cheeky n a total playboy.

Me:Saurabh can you pass the sugar.

Saurabh:Of course sugar baby...

Me:but I am your sister!?

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Saurabh - meaning

Saurabh is a Tall, Nerdy, Super Smart and Sexy Hooman.

He is warm and kind and will take care of you to the end of the world. Born leader.

He is unprecedented in everything he does. Saurabh will leave you flabbergasted and happy. Smooth AF talker. Laughs at Dad Jokes.

Saurabh will make you smile cheek to cheek all day but also will hijack your sleep schedule.

Guy 1: My boss is on the cover page of Forbes

Guy 2: Ofcourse! Yours boss is Saurabh!

My dream is to have F*ck you money like Saurabh does

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Saurabh - definition

Absolute big pp giga chad who is always politically correct.
Likes technology and arts. Girls go crazy over him. Tall, handsome, and lanky most of the time. He likes being sarcastic and roasts homies all the time.

Hey, don't be such a Saurabh and steal my girl.
Damn bro, your pp is literally Saurabh-grade!

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Saurabh - slang

Saurabh is someone who's extremely bright and intellectual. He's the real life version of Sheldon from TBBT. People seem to think he's smart, charming and cute.

Girl 1: OMG I just met the smartest guy ever!! Guess who?!?
Girl 2: Duh, must be a Saurabh!

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Saurabh is a bearded handsome, intelligent, tall man whose mere presence makes beautiful women have multiple orgasms. He is brutally honest & very insightful. If you have a problem that you’re struggling with, Saurabh most likely has an answer.

Hot girl 1: β€œThis guy was so handsome that he made me orgasm just by looking at me!”
Hot girl 2: β€œHe must be a Saurabh!”

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Saurabh is a charming man who generally is tall and handsome. He makes you fall in love with him instantly. He is seen more on the emotional side and will love you forever.

Friend : I want someone to love me truly.
Me: Ah! So you need a Saurabh!

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an obsessive compulsive gambler who goes on mission trips to find swimming pools.

person 1- i have neither have coloured clothes nor emotions
person 2- are you saurabh?

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