Definder - what does the word mean?

What is satone?

1. A hellish demon that resembles Satan but is in its earthly form. Its name can only be uttered in a satanic tone, if it hears it said any other way SATON will slaughter the speaker on site.

1. A form of curse used when an individual is vexed. SATON much resembles shit or dammit.

1. ROOOOAAARRR! SATON! I love your noodles!

2. AHHHH SATON! I stubbed my toe!
SATON! I forgot my report at home!

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Satone - what is it?

A brave man who believes he is on this earth for destruction when in reality he is far more than what he sees , he is a unique individual who cares for everyone he comes in contact with but sometimes he messes up because he feels insecure when deep down he's seriously confident

I met this guy satone I swear he changed my life in a good way

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