Definder - what does the word mean?

What is s B?

Double F S B
fuck fear
steal beer

The black scourge of Walgreens. An acronym for the type of thing which a select group of broke college students are forced to engage in. Can also be a product of suffocating boredom.

You: I'm pregnant and I have a midterm tomorrow and I'm scared.
Me: Shut up whore! Double F S B!

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s B - video


S B - what is it?

used as a question on online chat website, it asks the loaded "Straight/Gay/Bi"?

person 1 "hi"
person 2 "heyy"
person 1 "asl?"
person 2 "14/ m/ texas. hbu"
person 1 "14/ f/ Cali"

person 1 "s/b/g?"
person 2 "g"
person 1 "hmmm... I see....."

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What does "s B" mean?

Acronym for sweet baby jesus. Term used to express excitement, satisfaction, and exhiliration. Easy and fast to use when sending corporate-monitored emails.

S B J I can't wait to have a cocktail tonight.
That sushi was S B J.

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S B - what does it mean?

A command used to make the word β€œbigger” look bigger on Discord.

Big discord message hack!
Step 1) Send a message that says β€œbigger”
Step 2) Send a mesaage that says β€œs/b/n”
Step 3) WATCH!

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S B - meaning

Used to figure out what sexual preference someone is. Usually used by gays over video chat to figure out if the other person is gay.

Guy 1: hey
Guy 2: Hey, g/s/b?
Guy 1: straight. You?
Guy 2: Bi :(

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S B - definition

Shorts and Bra. Girls sometimes wear only this while chillin at home, doing nothing special. Mostly done when extremely hot or to just be comfortable.

Boy: Can u video chat?

Girl: no

Boy: y?

Girl: cuz im kinda in S&B rite now...

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S B - slang

sword and board, meaning sword and shield, used in roleplaying games

My warrior uses s/b.

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Straight bollocks

That is s/b

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a) Secret!Because
-Used on the anonymous LiveJournal community Fandom!Secrets

b) the reason behind someone's lame/embarrassing/saved-me-from-suicide secret pertaining to their fandom/favorite characters or pairings

I hate Hetalia. S!B: all my friends love it and I'm afraid to tell them

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abbreviation for "should be"

This item s/b available for everyone.

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