Definder - what does the word mean?

What is sK8eR Boi?

a lesbian skater, however a person penned a tune with this lyric, did they know the meaning of boi?

👍87 👎125

sK8eR Boi - video


SK8eR Boi - what is it?

Name of song by Avril Lavigne from the text version of "Skater erection".

Note that since Avril is Quebecois, she mixes the French word for wood into the phrase.

"Ooh, that guy on the red plank is so cute! I want some of his sk8er boi!"

👍113 👎123

What does "sK8eR Boi" mean?

Worst song EVER? Perhaps.
If you have the horrible misfortune of hearing it,put on some Weird Al to cleanse your ears.

Duckbear: he was a *wordfap/word fap* sk8er boi,she *fap fap fap* sai-*BLAM*
0niTTRay: Bitch.

👍233 👎259

SK8eR Boi - what does it mean?

A shite song by a fucking ugly bogger bitch called Avril Lavigne.

I hope she breaks her neck while she is skating.

👍329 👎357

SK8eR Boi - meaning

A huge hit song by Avril Lavigne, so good in fact that pathetically raised infantile assholes are jealously announcing their hatred for her instead of silently envying her because she has a more fulfilling life than they have.

Everytime they hear Avril's song Sk8er Boi, it reminds them of what a loser they are so they resort to talking shit.

With all the money earned from the song Sk8er Boi, Avril can actually pay people to care what stupid people think about her.

👍193 👎151

SK8eR Boi - definition

What Avril Lavigne once was before her sex change operation.

Omigod. I just discovered that the song Sk8er Boi was about Avril's former love life!

👍759 👎537

SK8eR Boi - slang

A song by the pop artist Avril Lavinge.

I was singing along to sk8er boi and people were looking at me funny.

👍235 👎133

SK8eR Boi

The dumbass spelling of the phrase "skater boy" enforced by proffesional dumbass avril lavigne. (See also dipshit and fucktard)

"Like, o my god, im a punk and im gonna go hit on that hot sk8er boi! avril lavigne is sooo, like cool!" <

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