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What is rust bucket 21?

A small pickup truck from the year 1980-1995 preferably a Japan Nissan Truck (whatever the Vin says). Commonly mistaken as a weedeater when started up, or if even started. It has rust from inside out,rust on steering wheel to rust on the tires. Owned by mainly a younger audience of 10-12 years of age having big dreams for the truck but no income. Inside of truck usually smells of dip but not just any kind of dip,no,its freaking Copenhagen,yes that's right, and old mold and 35 year old gasoline. They do not exist anymore in the 21st century because chip foose cannot even make this rust bucket look decent

Rob-Damn man I thought you was getting a truck?
Josh-This is a truck iven been wanting this.
Rob-No this is a rust bucket 21 you might as well put it in the burn pile
Josh-*puts dip in

👍27 👎11

rust bucket 21 - video
