Definder - what does the word mean?

What is ridiculosis?

A disorder caused by being made fun of for an entire lifetime, usually resulting in a dramatic act of violence. See also "Going Postal".

The suspect was apprehended wearing thick glasses and a turtleneck, screaming and kicking, obviously suffering from extreme ridiculosis.

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ridiculosis - video


Ridiculosis - what is it?

A short or long-term disorder that causes people to say usually untrue, exaggerated, or just plain ridiculous things.

Guy 1: Did you hear Guy 3 talking about how the world will end? Do you think it is true?

Guy 2: Don't worry about it, he has ridiculosis.

👍27 👎13

What does "ridiculosis" mean?

The condition of being ridiculous

Can you believe this? Bartholomew seems to be suffering from ridiculosis today.

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