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What is reverse motorboat?

When you squeeze a woman’s butt cheeks together and she farts in your face

β€œDude that girls butt is so big I’d let her reverse motorboat me”

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reverse motorboat - video


Reverse motorboat - what is it?

The act where one presses face against a guys genitals and rocking one's head side to side between the balls very rapidly while making a vigorous, lip-vibrating "brrr" sound.

I would totally Reverse Motorboat the shit out of him.

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What does "reverse motorboat" mean?

When a woman happens upon her man having a wank while lying on his back, she disrobes and straddles him in a similar fashion to the reverse cowgirl. However, unlike the sexual position, the woman nestles her man's ball sack between her butt cheeks and proceeds to fart on them as many times as possible, creating a wonderful vibration for him and audibly resembling the engine of a motorboat.

Linda found Jack wanking in their bedroom and offered him a nice reverse motorboat. Jack happily accepted.

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Reverse motorboat - what does it mean?

the act of a woman taking off her bra and wiggling her tits in your face.
this is much better than a regular motorboat, because y'aint gotta do shit!

"dude this chick at the bar totally reverse motorboated me last night."
"Reverse motorboat? hows that one work?"
"Its where she takes off her bra and wiggles her tits all over your face"

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