Definder - what does the word mean?

What is red person?

Your protector. They watch over you and take care of your heart. You can’t live without them.

She always keep me safe. She is my red person.

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red person - video


Red person - what is it?

Somone who you love but dont trust

You are my red person Amy

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What does "red person" mean?

Someone that has been by your side since the day you met them. Someone that’s always had your back in good times and bad. Someone that you love and love hard for. Someone that can’t be replaced no matter what. Someone you trust with your life. And seen you at your worst and best with no judgment. Your red person is very straight up so no sugar coating nun. You can be your full self around them. They are goofy, slow, smart, best driver. DEFINITELY A R.O.D.

Best friend: You are my red person bro.

Other best friend: your what?
Best friend: my red person

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Red person - what does it mean?

Someone you miss, you really miss

Hey I miss you, you're my Red person

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Red person - meaning

A person who makes you question your existence, they are the ones who you hate because they did you so wrong

She is my red person πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

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Red person - definition

Skin color term for a Native American or other Native of North America. Equivalent to saying 'White person' to describe someone of the Caucasian race. Can be used in both a neutral/positive way, and a negative or racist way.

white guy: hey i'm white.

black guy: and i'm black.

red guy: i'm a red person.

brown guy: i'm brown

yellow guy: i'm yellow

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