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What is rayban?

It's when a girl is lying face up and a guy puts his dick in her mouth. The girl has to wear sunglasses so that the guy's balls don't poke her eyes.

Dude 1: Last night me and maddy did the Rayban Bat!
Dude 2: hahahaha sweet!

👍33 👎27

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Rayban - what is it?

The definitive sign of douche baginess. One wears a pair of sunglasses on his head as well as on his face.

During lunch I saw a total double rayban. I wouldn't have cared less, but he was sitting inside.

👍51 👎11

What does "rayban" mean?

The 'Rayban Effect' works with particularly with the males of our species. It is the instance in when a guy looks super fine while wearing a pair of rayban wayfarers, and in the act of removing them considerably lessens his appearance and 'coolness' factor.

The rayban effect is a modern problem for girls on the prowl, it is becoming increasingly harder to differentiate between true babes and guys under the rayban effect.

These men come under two categories, as seen below; with the option of mid range rayban effect as well.

High rayban effect: Hot with glasses, not without.

Low rayban effect: Hotness is simply ENHANCED with raybans, guy is still hot without.

Girl on the prowl no.1: "oh look at that babe there, high or low rayban effect??"

Girl on the prowl no.2: "Hmm..Potentially high I suggest we try get a profile view, it always helps."

Guy with rayban effect turns to side (and/or) removes sunglasses.

Girls no.1 & no.2: "ohh dear, it's a high. lets move on."

👍119 👎15

Rayban - what does it mean?

A variation on teabagging. When a guy squat over someone else and lowers their testicles over the other persons eyes.

She was on her back so I gave her some raybans.

👍79 👎55

Rayban - meaning

A sunglasses company that made the Wayfarers, the sweet pair of shades that you saw in the Blues Brothers and on Ray Charles among others..

I was perusing a thrift store and found a sweet pair of Raybans for $3!

👍139 👎53

Rayban - definition

when a guy rests his testicles over the girls eyes, making itlook like sunglasses

last night this girl was sucking my nuts and I then gave her raybans

👍95 👎127

Rayban - slang

sunglasses worn to help your eyes

paige loves her raybans

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