Definder - what does the word mean?

What is rasia?

All the guys like you 👉👈 and girls hate you for it #notpickme. Uwu ligma balls 💖 uwu

Rasia wants to ligma balls

👍25 👎11

rasia - meme gif

rasia meme gif

rasia - video


Rasia - what is it?

All the guys like you 👉👈 and the girls hate you for it 🥺 #notpickme. Uwu ligma balls 💖uwu

Rasia wants to ligma balls

👍25 👎11

What does "rasia" mean?

Fearless and independent. Strong and soft hearted. Loving,caring and helpful.Intelligent and trustworthy.

She is rasia dont mess with her

👍71 👎17