Definder - what does the word mean?

What is racit?

A word deliberately mis-typed to resemble an angry person trying to accuse someone else of being racist on the internet. Usually applied to objects and events which have nothing to do with race or humans.

Person 1: I like the red convertible, but I think I'll go with the black SUV.

Person 2: RACITS!!1!

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racit - meme gif

racit meme gif

racit - video


Racit - what is it?

Racitating is how two extremely racist individuals greet eachother.

Hey Jim what’s racitating?

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What does "racit" mean?

In general, a continued online mispelling of the word "racist" and eventually a common slang term used online when referring to someone as being racist. It can also mean just an annoying or stupid person.

"Can you believe Robert asked me if I wanted some watermelon with my fried chicken?"

"What a racit bastard!"

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Racit - what does it mean?

NOUN : A person who pretends to enjoy racist jokes told by their friends (peer pressure), while actually not approving of such slander, and not buying in to the stereotypes often exploited in such jokes.

Formed by a combination of 'race' and 'imitator', the word racitator can also be used in the case of theoretically any offensive joke, including : Sexist, nationalist, anti-gay, anti-Semetic, and so on.

'I can't believe you're just a racitator. You're so closed-minded.'
'Wait, I'm closed-minded because I don't like racist jokes?'

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Racit - meaning

Vile behavior most often linked to white people. Characterized by overuse of the word "nigger" and refusal to hire at Burger King. Measured on a 0-5000 cubit racit scale.

"I fucking hate niggers, all they do is sit around, shoot dice and help them find each other's veins to shoot heroine in."

"Tha fuck? Most racit shit I ever heard."

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Racit - definition

something stupid asses on facebook say when they dont know how to spell racism...

"everyone knows its spelled racitism"

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Racit - slang

A no good jive racist. Popularized by an NBA forum.

Tha fuck? You being racit?

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A commonly used facebook term for racist; For those not wanting to say racist, but still wanting to say something

"Tons a niggas at Plexico Towers, Pa."

"Now son, that's just racit"

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(n) A word used by racists to call someone else a racist. Generally used by an ignorant or uneducated person. First used on Facebook.

"Why are all white people racit?"

"white people say nigger and sh*t, that's racit."

"But you're prolly still a little racit. Like white people don't hire me at jobs and shit... I applied at Burger King and they didn't hire me. The manager probably said 'f*ck I aint hire no nigger.'"

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a word created by an ignorant nigger (I hope im not being too redundant here) online, raciSt is the correct spelling

ignorant person- you a racit

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