Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pussball?

1. homosexual
2. a combination of a vagina and balls mixed togeher

Dude: You have pussballs!!!
Homosexual:No! Well, I don't think I do.

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pussball - video


Pussball - what is it?

pussball is another way of saying transgender.

why do u look like a pussball.

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What does "pussball" mean?

Pussy that’s wrapped inside of a ball

Julian Mendez with Lauren what a pussball

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Pussball - what does it mean?

1. When your testicles come in contact with a vagina. This is almost always achieved when the the male penetrates the females vagina as deeply as he can, so that his scrotum comes in contact with the vagina.

This can also be known as going "balls deep".

2. An insult to a male. See chickenshit.

1.1) "Ugh, I really should go shower. I've had pussballs for three days now."

1.2) "Hey there, pussballs! Have a good time last night?"

2.1) "Hey pussballs, I heard you backed out from the fight with that 9th grader!"

2.2) "I dare you to do it, pussballs!"

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Pussball - meaning

someone who lacks the abality to talk to females

Bojo is a pussball for not talking to lizzy

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