Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pulling a kyle?

the act of spending half or all of your paycheck on the first thing you want after you are paid

Pulling a kyle: Hey man should I pull a kyle and buy these speakers

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pulling a kyle - video


Pulling a kyle - what is it?

When you bang your chick on her period because you think it's the norm.

"Dude it was my first time and I pulled a Kyle"
"Dude why would you pull a Kyle"
"Hey I might be Pulling a Kyle at the party but idk"

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What does "pulling a kyle" mean?

Taking home the largest and least attractive hogzilla from a 4 am bar, because why not

Steve was at holligans last night and we caught him "pulling a kyle", I be the smells like shame this morning

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Pulling a kyle - what does it mean?

pulled a kyle: you date a guy in college and commit to a long-term relationship. the guy lives with you to avoid a dorm and pretends to love you. he pulled kyle

so you were in a relationship with a college sweetheart and he just left after graduating? wow he pulled a kyle

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Pulling a kyle - meaning

Running around jigtown without any shoe's (sumtimes not even socks)

1-Hey Glenn y aren't u wearing any shoe's? there's alot of glass around, 2-cause im pulling a kyle.

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Pulling a kyle - definition

To put your fist through some drywall.

Work has me so fuckin’ pissed off today, man. I might pull a Kyle when I get home. Wall won’t know what fuckin’ hit it.

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Pulling a kyle - slang

To do something queer or queerish. you can put any name you want but it has to refer to the person who they pull.

Person 1. Aye can you COME here

Person 2. eww i don't want to CUM there

Person 1. wow you are pulling a kyle

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Pulling a kyle

to pull a kyle, is to invite your friends to an event or gathering, and not show up yourself.

"hey sam, want to come play lost planet 2 on xbox live?"
"wow. that sounds funtacular. i will definitely play lost planet 2"
"ok. i will be on in 5 minutes"

*45 minutes later*

"kyle isn't here. figures. there he goes again, pulling a kyle."

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Pulling a kyle

When you promise your family members an expensive gift for the holidays but you never purchase the item and they never get what you promised to them.

Person1: hey I got you a new 4K HD television for Christmas
Person2: oh wow thank you every much

Person1: it will be here in 1 week, ok I have to go

Person2: what the fuck it’s been a few months and it’s still not here he is pulling a Kyle

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Pulling a kyle

when a male finds a squirrel extremely attractive and cannot resist.

pulling a kyle

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