Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pucka?

Pucka shell girls have basic style, pucka shell necklaces, limited makeup, they were long shirts that cover their shorts.The like surfing or going to the beach. They are tan, and have really nice skin. Usually blond and have wavy hair.

*Chad sees a girl at the beach*
Chad: dude look at that girl!
Brendon: she’s definitely a Pucka shell girl.
Chad: what’s a pucka shell girl?
Brendon: Pucka shell girls are usually at the beach surfing, tan, they wear those shell necklaces, and have those long shirts that cover their Nike shorts.
Chad: oh, I love them then. ;)

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pucka - meme gif

pucka meme gif

pucka - video


Pucka - what is it?

a hockey player, the only sport the black man doesnt play (they use a puck not a ball) its like a bala

Jerome Iginla is a pucka

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What does "pucka" mean?

Is a Moozie slang word for a "bitch"

Oi will ya "pucka"

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Pucka - what does it mean?

A term used in London to describe something that is good.

Commonly used by that TW@T Jamie Oliver.

"Thats Puka that is"

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