Definder - what does the word mean?

What is profection?

An ability or positive quailty, i.e. the opposite of defect.

"His greatest profect is his ability to be legendary, all the time."

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Profection - what is it?

Professional perfection

Couldn't have done it any better, I'd say its profect!

👍27 👎13

What does "profection" mean?

To do your best

I may not have been perfect when I got an 85% on my geometry test, but I was profect.

Even though I bailed while snowboarding, I was profect when I tried to do an ollie.

👍33 👎19

Profection - what does it mean?

professionally perfect, without equal; unmatched in goodness

dawg, that was the most profectly rolled spliff

👍49 👎21

Profection - meaning

1. a mix between a prO and perfection
2. a really good halo 2 player on xbox live

1. ooo look at that work of profection 2. Errbody run!!! here comes Profection!

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