Definder - what does the word mean?

What is pratama?

Can also called "the first". Pratama usually used to named first born child. And it use for male.

A:So whats your name for your first born child?
B: Since HE my first child, named pratama seems reealllyy guuuuuuddddd

👍25 👎11

pratama - meme gif

pratama meme gif

pratama - video


Pratama - what is it?

Handsome and cool guys but liking oyaji and abs too much.

A : Yuda Pratama, could you tell me what is love ?
B : Did you mean abs ?

👍37 👎13

What does "pratama" mean?

Pratama is basically the most dangerous boyfriend ever. He likes to play with other girls. Sometimes they might 'have fun' with them also. He didn't know which girl he likes the most so he just play with all of them. You would want to stay away from a Pratama. Watch out girls!!!

Girls : Aww my boyfriend is a Kevin he's so sweet and caring.

Boys : Girls beware. He's a Kevin Pratama

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